What is your super-productive life hack?

Source: Quora
Answered by:  Matt Bennett
This one was a game-changer for me:
Say yes so you can say no.
WTF? Let me clarify…
I say “yes” to everything I can. Every invitation, every idea, and every fascination.
Here’s what it looks like for me.
If I’m invited to a party, I say yes. If I get a spontaneous idea, I write down brainstorming notes, buy the domain name, and bounce the idea off of close friends. If I think boxing sounds fun, I sign up for the next class I can find.
Everything is game.

By getting involved with people you like, building your ideas, and doing things that captivate your interest, productivity becomes a natural by-product.
You build momentum across all areas of your life.
But Matt, how the hell do I find the time?
Here’s the cool thing: All the time you’re wasting is suddenly filled with productive things.
You won’t spend crazy energy focusing on the unimportant…like not surfing the internet, scrolling through mindless social media feeds or watching someone else on TV live a better life than you.
Instead, your energy is directed where it naturally wants to go…moving you forward.

“So where does the, “…so you can say no” part fit in?”
It fits in as you discover things. You’ll no longer be busy to be busy. You’ll be “busy” filling your life with things you want.
And here’s the coolest part…your life will be so full of…LIFE, you will naturally filter out stuff that doesn’t matter.
You will say “no” to things that subtract from your life…whether it’s the invitation you’re not crazy about, the bad idea which sounded good at the time, or the goofy meditation class you signed up for and discovered it’s not all what it’s cracked up to be.
You will get on a productive “high” and find it difficult to slow down.
And at that point, you can say “yes” to taking a day off to do all the nothing you want…
…while being 10X more productive than you were before.
But this time, you’ll feel great about it.
