
Showing posts from July, 2017

What are the behaviors of a confident person?

Source: Quora Answered by:   Richard Walker __________________ A confident person doesn’t tell you they’re confident. They show you. The same is true of most traits - if you truly possess a trait there is no need to verbally tell someone that you have the trait, just simply demonstrate it and let it speak for itself. So if someone is telling you, “I’m confident”, then they’re probably not.

What are the lessons people most often learn too late in life?

Source : Quora Answered by :  James Compton _____________________ College is a joke (unless you’re going to be a Dr, otherwise a complete waste). You won’t get rich working for a company (which is what college trains you to be - a corporate wannabe). It’s so easy to start your own company(s). It’s easy to be free (see #3). Life isn’t about money or materialistic things. You can get cancer at any age. So be healthy and never say it won’t happen to you. The only things that matter in life is your family and the quality of relationship you have with them. Don’t worry about what other people think about you, don’t worry about what other people are thinking about, don’t spend your time thinking about stupid things such as these. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Cliche but it’s surprising how most people don’t follow it. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. Accept it and don’t think twice about it. Accept whatever life brings

Which book can literally change your life?

Source : Quora Answered by :  Chetan Walia __________________ I'll tell you something amazing from experience. The only book that will really, truly change you is the one that you will write. You don't have to be a writer or a perfectionist to begin. Just start writing in anything that you want to inquire into yourself (for example changing lives). Don't worry about what you know about the topic, rather discard all that. And just write, flow it, even if for the first few paragraphs nothing makes sense. Go on. And you'll amaze yourself. Within no time of being into the writing space, a sort of meditation takes over and words, meaning, insights, everything flows… it's a different intelligence that takes over. Just write, don't write for an end result because then you rarely hit the zone. Just write to learn. And be amazed.

Why do we live on Earth?

Source : Quora Answered by :  Navnath Ubale _____________________________ Why  should I live on earth? Answer: If you don’t know the reason, then make one. Why  should  I live on earth? Answer: Yeah, you should be alive. You got a life which may be or may not be that beautiful. But you are harvesting something that you planted before. So plant something good so that it will worth harvesting. Why should  I  live on earth? Answer: Say that bold word again. That’s the most valuable person on this planet for you. You are a champion. If not, then be one. Why should I  live  on earth? Answer: Live is a verb. You know what a verb actually mean. Do it! Why should I live  on  earth? Answer: Because you can’t survive below or above the earth’s surface. It is not suitable for survival of a human being. Why should I live on  earth ? Answer: Now, that’s because you are born here. Also, there is no other planet in our solar system or known universe whe

Why do we love?

Source: Quora Answered by :  Himanshi Yadav __________________________ Stability Everything that happens in the Universe is to achieve stability. You love because you  think  it will benefit you..umm yes! You love to get a grip in life..That is weird and hard to believe;but it's true. Love is not a choice. Why? Because love starts with  attraction . You can't do anything about it. You can be attracted to anyone, anywhere,doing whatever If the attraction if strong enough it leads to curiosity It continues, it's a lovely feeling Humans are beautiful, you become obsessed with this beauty (physical, emotional) as you keep thinking of them Now you're can't do without them You call it love Everyone has a check-list in their mind ..the more a person fits in the definition of a partner the more potential of a candidate they become in your eyes. You need Someone to talk to Someone to fight for Someone to fight with Someone to sh

What is your super-productive life hack?

Source: Quora Answered by:  Matt Bennett _________________________ This one was a game-changer for me: Say yes so you can say no. WTF? Let me clarify… I say “yes” to everything I can. Every invitation, every idea, and every fascination. Here’s what it looks like for me. If I’m invited to a party, I say yes. If I get a spontaneous idea, I write down brainstorming notes, buy the domain name, and bounce the idea off of close friends. If I think boxing sounds fun, I sign up for the next class I can find. Everything  is game. By getting involved with people you like, building your ideas, and doing things that captivate your interest, productivity becomes a natural by-product. You build momentum across all areas of your life. “ But Matt, how the hell do I find the time? ” Here’s the cool thing: All the time you’re wasting is suddenly filled with productive things. You won’t spend crazy energy focusing on the unimportant…like not surfing the internet, scrolling

How do you know if you're in love?

Source : Quora Answered by :  Thomas Antunez _________________________ I struggled with this question for years. And then I had children. You know you love someone when you are willing to make sacrifices for them. I’m including all forms of love: romantic love, parental love, family love, friendship, etc. The ultimate expression of love is sacrifice.  When you decide to love someone romantically, you “sacrifice” access to other people romantically, etc. When you love a child or a friend or a family member, you can envision yourself making sacrifices for them to keep them safe (giving your life for them, as an example). Even the love of hobbies can be expressed as a sacrifice (sacrificing your time in exchange for doing the hobby). Play this out in your life.  Love requires sacrifice. And that’s a beautiful thing.

What are some things that look easy but are difficult?

Source : Quora Answered by :  Paul Carleton _________________________ Following these 6 steps: Wake up at 7:30am. Don’t check your phone. Put it on aeroplane mode. Hide it in another room, under a pillow. Do work for the entire day. Go to sleep. If you do this successfully - you’ve got incredible self-control. We’re entirely addicted to our smartphones. Notifications, pings, emails, messages. 
We get a tiny rush each time we see what’s behind that red number. Those who can resist are now in the top 1% of the developed world. Become aware of your addiction and deal with it. Turn off every push notification - it can wait. Respond on your time, not someone else. Become notification-free.